Monthly Archives: June 2015

Proxies, Ballots, Meet the Candidates and Annual Meeting

The proxies and ballots are in the mail and should be arriving shortly.  It is very important for you to send in your proxy if you do not plan on attending the annual meeting.  Last year we were able to reach quorum due to the total number of proxies returned. We are looking for your cooperation again this year so we can conduct the business of the Association.

You will be able to meet the candidates for the Board of Directors on Monday, June 22, 2015 at 7 pm in the main clubhouse.  Each candidate will be allotted approximately 3 minutes to speak about themselves and their goals for the community.

The nominations for the open positions, are as follows:

Steve Regan
Andrew Cirrone
Jane Jones
Brenda Quinney
Ellen Studley

Please check your email for the candidate forms to review.

This will be followed by a 30 minute Q & A session.  Gary Janko, our current Board President, and Cheryl Demetriou will moderate the evening.


The Annual Meeting is scheduled for June 25, 2015 at the Crowne Plaza at 7:00 pm.

Clarification on the Dog Park Survey

Thank you to everyone who has taken the Dog Park Survey.  The survey is still available if you have not had a chance to complete it.

Just a couple of clarifications.  The survey is intended for Dog Owners who are interested in a dog park based on last year’s poll numbers.  Understanding that there are neighbors who are opposed, we added the “No” option to avoid complaints about the survey not providing the opportunity to again indicate “No.”

There was some feedback regarding funding and management.  Please note that NO portion of the condo fee would be used for the park.  In addition, the Property Manager, and Board Association, would not be managing the dog park.

With regards to the survey being anonymous, the survey is intended for Dog Owners interested in a dog park.  We would like to be able to communicate with individuals who are willing to volunteer, be part of the committee, or just provide general updates.

If you have any further questions, please email

Thank you,

VKF Dog Park Committee

Dog Park Survey for Dog Owners