Monthly Archives: February 2016

Snow Removal

This storm changed every hour.  It went from no snow, to dusting to 1-3 inches and now we are at 5-8 inches.

It looks like the storm will be pulling away now between 1-2 this afternoon.

Morin’s will begin to clean all areas as soon as it stops snowing.  They will start to clean the parking areas and get as many completed as possible this afternoon and into the evening.

Morin’s will be on site tomorrow, Saturday, February 6, 2016, starting at 8 am to do the final clean-up.  All cars should be out of the parking areas for the final clean-up.  Cars that impede the final clean-up may be towed at the car owners expense.

Should you be gone for the day on Saturday, please park your car at one of the clubhouse houses that are located at each pool in the community or park in overflow parking in your area, if you have one, so Morin’s can complete the final clean-up.

To make snow cleanup more efficient please shovel snow off any decks that are over parking or walking areas prior to final clean-up so the plows can move the snow away.

Morin’s has asked the no cars be parked in the roads , this would include individual roads into each village.  Parking on the roads will make it nearly impossible for them to open the roads to the full width of the roadway during the snow storm which is essential for safe passage.

If you can’t park your vehicle in your driveways, please park at one of the clubhouses (located on Tinker Road, Glastonbury Drive and Kessler Farm Drive).   Many villages have overflow parking as well.

If your unit is rented, it is the unit owner’s responsibility to provide this information to the tenant.  You can direct them to Latest News block/Twitter feed.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you in regards to the previous email from the Property Manager indicating the final clean-up would be today.

If you have any questions, please contact the Property Manager at or 603-205-5391.